| | AskMen A. List // december 30, 2010 | ringing in 2011 | A Beery NYE AT ChurchKey | Why? Because who wants to pop a cork when you can pour a pint? Though there may be an ever-increasing number of A. List editions, here in D.C. we've kept our ears to the ground. After all, though it's fun, as an aside, to read about how they like to party in, say, Melbourne, it doesn't really have much to do with you, does it? It also might involve spiders. | | Here, thankfully, New Year's doesn't involve such things -- instead, it involves beer, and lots of it. Come Friday night, we're going to be imbibing at ChurchKey, where beer director Greg Engert (a longtime friend of the 'List) has prepared one of the city's best and sudsiest evening plans. In short? Open bar with 50 drafts and five casks, beery, salty hors d'oeuvres and a few dips into Engert's private stash. At the end of the day, A. Listers, how much do you really like champagne? ChurchKey 1337 13th St. NW PHONE: 202-567-2576 SITE: churchkeydc.com |  | | |
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